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Frequent Asked Questions

FAQs on the Self-Booking Tool Q1. What is the URL of Self Booking Tool? Ans. https://mumbai.fcmonline.in/nav/corporate_login for Mumbai location https://bangalore.fcmonline.in/nav/corporate_login for Bangalore location Q2. On the home page, where do we click to log-in? Ans. Always use the <> Q3. What can be the length of the password? Ans. Password should be minimum 8 characters. Q4. What are the restrictions on selecting a password? Ans. User password must contain: a. Atleast one alphabet in upper case b. Atleast one alphabet in lower case c. Atleast one number d. Atleast one special character from within! @ # $ # _ - ? Q5. What are the mandatory fields on the profile creation page? Ans. On profile Creation page one should enter all detailed information as this will be incorporated under each booking made. Seat and Meal preference should be saved. Q6. Can I edit my profile information? Ans Yes one can edit profile once SBT is live for users. Under user login there is Ć¢??My profileĆ¢?? area. Q9. Which kind of travel, domestic or international, can be booked via the self-booking tool? Ans. Only domestic air bookings can be done Q10. Is profile registration mandated? Ans. Yes, only the users registered on the tool will be able to do the bookings. Q11. Can we get the flight options according to our preferences? Ans. As per company policy one should always book lowest flight available. However if user misses to select the lowest option and books his/her preferred flight, than one should specify reason thereof. Every missed lowest flight option will generate notification to Supervisor. Q12. If no selection is made, what price is quoted? Ans. The self-booking tool automatically gives options starting with the lowest economy. Q13. What should I do if any technical error occurred while ticket issuance? Ans. User should contact assigned Travel Helpdesk to get Instant help. Q14. Is there any Time set to issue per ticket? Ans. There is not time set on flight search results page, however once flight is selected user must issue ticket within 10 minutes only, otherwise system will show timeout error. Q15 Is the real time or LIVE availability reflecting for all airlines on the URLs? Ans Yes you will be able to check and book live inventory for all airlines Q16 Can I reset my password? Ans Yes you can reset your password bi clicking on <> on login page and you shall receive a new password on your registered email address Q17 What is the payment mode I shall use for my transactions? Ans Only Credit card can be used for all transactions Q18 Can we customize policy break reasons to show client specific customized list? Ans Yes we can show customized list of policy break reasons Q19 What is the up time % for the tool? Ans Online Tool is web based applicable, can be accessed 24*7 hence uptime is 100% Q20.Can I download sales reports from Phoenix, Is this real time reports? Ans Yes, we are providing real time sales reports for air and hotel both, Planned trip reports can be downloaded from phoenix, Missed Saving reports can be generated. Q21 Can rail bookings be issued online? Ans No, the user can only submit a rail request form and click on <> and the same will be processed by our offline team at the backend
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